Agriculture - Adam for Colorado



CD-3 feeds America. We need to make sure the farmers and ranchers in Colorado who have been working and protecting our land for generations can continue to do so for many more to come, because agriculture is at the heart of our district’s identity. Nothing makes me prouder to be a part of CD3 than driving past cattle ranchers or peach orchards when I’m on the road. 

We are a producing district. We need to honor our producers by making sure they have the right to repair their own equipment, ensure their products are properly labeled as grown and raised in Colorado, end eminent domain, protect their water, and ensure they have a right to fair capital.

Big corporations, many of them foreign, are buying up many of our generational farms in America. Farmers are being forced into one-sided contracts that create cycles of debt and risk our soil and water. We need to prevent foreign ownership and break up big agriculture. In Colorado, we understand there is a difference between farming families who do everything they can to protect the very land their livelihoods are tied to and massive corporate agriculture. Farmers and ranchers are the very first entrepreneurs and they are the best stewards of our land.

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