Meet Adam - Adam for Colorado

Meet Adam

For Colorado

Colorado First

Adam Frisch is a Western Slope business owner, family man, former city council member, and candidate for Colorado’s 3rd congressional district. He understands rural Colorado communities. In the last year, he has driven over 50,000 miles, visiting every county in the district. He will promote Colorado water, Colorado energy, and Colorado jobs.

Adam will find common sense solutions that put Colorado first. In 2022, his campaign to oust Rep. Lauren Boebert and restore real leadership in CO-3 defied incredible odds when Adam came just 546 votes shy of defeating Boebert, shocking the nation by being the closest race in the country.

Adam spent the first five years of his life on Fort Peck Indian Reservation in Montana where his father started his 50- year career as a doctor, working for the Dept. of Indian Health Services within the US Public Health Service. He then went on to be an obstetrician-gynecologist, including training the next generation of healthcare providers at Planned Parenthood.

Rural Roots

Growing up, Adam worked on his family’s 4th generation cattle trading, grain elevator, and farm supply store, which is still in the family today. Adam understands the needs of rural, working-class Americans are ignored and misunderstood by decision-makers in Washington.

Adam graduated from the University of Colorado, majoring in economics. Following college, he waited tables in New York City before beginning a career in international finance, with a focus on global economies and interest rates that brought him to 50 countries across the globe.

He was in the World Trade Center during the terrorist bombing in 1993, and was working in midtown Manhattan during the 9/11 attacks. Adam understands from tragic firsthand experience what can happen when extremism takes over.

After attending too many funerals in the wake of 9/11, he moved to Colorado’s Western Slope, where he met his wife Katy, the President of her family’s manufacturing business and a former member of the local school board. Together they have two teenage children, and a dog, Padme.

Adam’s public service began when he chaired Pitkin County’s Financial Advisory Board from 2005 to 2011. Then, from 2011 to 2019, he served on his local City Council, where he focused on affordable housing and supporting the small business community, and was known as a problem solver, a straight shooter, and a consensus builder. During COVID, Adam became a part-time substitute teacher in the public school system to help local children continue their education in the classroom and to support school staff.

Serving You

Adam’s background in economics and business, coupled with his longstanding commitment to serving his community, means he has the experience necessary to grow our local economies and help families in CO-3 thrive as their representative in Congress.

Why He's Running

Since the day Lauren Boebert was elected in 2020, she has made a mockery of Colorado’s 3rd congressional district, constantly seeking attention for herself and her political brand rather than delivering solutions to the critical issues facing her constituents.

As the leader of the “angertainment” industry, she consistently votes against the district’s interests and has failed to pass a single bill into law. Her 0-43 legislative record proves she is unable to deliver results for the people of C0-3. Due to Boebert’s failure to serve, rural Colorado’s interests are being steamrolled in Washington.

Adam believes both political parties cater to the extremes and are corrupted by big money interests, and that divisive politicians like Boebert make it impossible to get things done for the good of the people. Boebert is often in the minority of her own party as one of a handful of extremists to vote against common-sense, bipartisan legislation.

Adam launched his 2022 campaign as a concerned citizen who is sick and tired of the “angertainment” industry, which politicians like Boebert weaponize for their own personal gain at the expense of hard-working families in CO-3.

On the campaign trail, Adam hears from people all across the district, from Durango to Delta to Dinosaur, who feel the same. After a shocking near-upset of Boebert in 2022, Adam knows he can win in 2024 and is continuing to build a coalition of Republicans, Democrats, and unaffiliated voters who are ready for the circus to stop.

The people of CO-3 are facing real issues that only a serious, committed representative in Congress can address — issues like the ongoing drought that risks the livelihoods of farmers and ranchers and their ability to feed our district and our country; rising inflation, housing, and health care costs that are making it difficult for families to make ends meet; and a federal government that routinely ignores the needs of rural America. The Western Slope needs a representative who will work across the aisle to solve Colorado’s water issues, rather than using their position to seek fame and stoke chaos.

Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District deserves a representative who will work hard to find bipartisan solutions to the pressing problems facing the people of Western and Southern Colorado. Adam will be their voice in Washington, someone who will guarantee they have a seat at the table and that their concerns are heard when decisions are being made that affect their families, their businesses, and their communities.

Adam will join the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus, which is made up of an equal number of Democrats and Republicans, to break the gridlock in Congress and address the issues affecting CO-3 residents.

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